De Vuurberg Dutch version
Illustration Extinct Coral © A. van Roekel
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Portret Annemieke van Roekel

Annemieke van Roekel (1960) has been working as a (science) journalist since 1995.

1988 - MSc Psychology, Utrecht University
1992 - Msc Environmental Science, University of Amsterdam & Wageningen University
1995 - Science journalism, SCW
2004 - Earth Sciences, Free University & British Open University

Until 1998, she worked for a environmental consultancy agency and carried out several studies on sustainable energy and waste prevention.

At this moment she works as an editor-in-chief for the Dutch geological magazine Gea and as an editor Earth and Climate for the popular scientific online magazine Kennislink.

Her favourite subjects are:

She wrote a wide range of articles on these subjects for various magazines and newspapers, mainly in Dutch. Next to her journalist activities, she is interested in photography to support her journalist work.
Most articles can be downloaded from this website.

Furthermore she initiates projects on geo-education to raise knowledge and understanding about earth sciences for children and designed a series of lessons for primary schools in which maths and earth sciences are combined.

Contact me by e-mail.

Annemieke van Roekel is a member of two Dutch organisations for (science) journalists: VWN and NVJ.

© Annemieke van Roekel, 2005-2009. Niets van deze website mag worden vermenigvuldigd of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, microfilm, fotokopie, plaatsing van teksten en/of afbeeldingen op andere websites of op welke wijze dan ook zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteur en de betreffende tijdschriftredacties.
Laatste wijziging: 7 september 2012

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