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Bioherbicides, current affairs

To control Prunus serotina (UK: black cherry; Dutch: Amerikaanse vogelkers) in forestry, chemical herbicides, like glyfosate, are often used to inhibit sprouting and regrowth of cut tree stumps. As it also kills surrounding plants and may pollute groundwater, it is unwanted by the Water Board. Biological herbicides are an environmental friendly alternative. To combat Prunus serotina, the fungus Chondrostereum purpureum (Paarse korstzwam) was introduced in 1997. Risk-analysis was carried out by the Dutch biologist Meindert de jong. The bioherbicide has been developed commercially and marketed as BioChon by Koppert Biological Systems, a Dutch company specialised in biological pest control. Due to low sales and high registration costs, production stopped in 2000. The bioherbicide is more succesfull on the American continent, where it is commercially developed by Canadian enterprises and available as Myco-Tech and Chontrol (Ecoclear) since 2004.

Annemieke VAN ROEKEL is freelance journalist

© Annemieke van Roekel, 2005. Niets van deze website mag worden vermenigvuldigd of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, microfilm, fotokopie, plaatsing van teksten en/of afbeeldingen op andere websites of op welke wijze dan ook zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteur en de betreffende tijdschriftredacties.
Laatste wijziging: 3 maart 2006

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