De Vuurberg
The Islet Comino, between Malta and Gozo 
© Annemieke van Roekel
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  Salts Pans on Malta © Annemieke van Roekel


Most buildings on Malta and Gozo are made from this yellow Globigerina limestone, rock that consists almost entirely of planktonic foraminifera. These are unicellular organisms with calcite skeletons that sank to the sea bottom when they died and made up thick layers of limestone over time. Once the Globigerina limestone is taken from the earth and used as building blocks, it will dry and harden to fulfill construction purposes. Maltese architecture, houses as well as the many churches, are in harmony with the landscape, due to its local origin.

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© Annemieke van Roekel, 2007. Niets van deze website mag worden vermenigvuldigd of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, microfilm, fotokopie, plaatsing van teksten en/of afbeeldingen op andere websites of op welke wijze dan ook zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteur en de betreffende tijdschriftredacties.
Laatste wijziging: 14 juni 2013

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