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Organic Trade:

Graanprijzen lager, kwaliteit beter
In: Ekoland, juli/aug. 2003
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Intro: Prices of grains fluctuate strongly. Dutch grainprices are influenced by increasing imports from Eastern Europa. Another factor is the development of production for the home market. The British are important consumers of oats and used to import their oats from Holland, but only recently started production for their own market. The quality of Dutch wheat for human consumption is slowly rising. Experiments with plant varieties and manure are carried out by the Louis Bolk Institute.
'Nederland is toe aan bio-supers'
In: Ekoland, april 2003
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Summary and current affairs: Organic superstores are still rare in the Netherlands. Dutch 'bio-supers' resemble more or less normal healthfood shops that have a bigger size in square meters. Other European countries, like Germany, have developed the concept of organic superstores already years ago. However, Dutch organic supermarkets could have a fair chance as regular supermarkets offer a limited organic selection. They decreased their organic assortment even further in 2005, the Dutch Friends of the Earth say, according to their yearly EKO-counting.
Sympathieke spot bij teruglopend assortiment
In: Ekoland, februari 2003
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Summary: The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality wants consumers to devote five percent of their household's budget to organic food. Therefore, a national media campaign has been carried out using the slogan: Organic is logical. Also, individual supermarkets have promoted organics. Investments of these companies involve 3,6 million euro's, while the Dutch government supports the companies with another million euro's.
IBL bundelt expertise
In: Ekoland, december 2002
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Summary: In 2003, ten percent of the budget of Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR) has been devoted to research for organic agriculture, equalling 9,8 million euro's. The total research budget of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality for agricultural research in 2003 was 110 million euro's. To co-ordinate the research activities of WUR, the Innovation Centre Organic Agriculture (Innovatiecentrum Biologische Landbouw, IBL) has been founded. In 1999, Dutch politicians decided to spend more money on research for organic agriculture.
Zuivelmarkt blijft groeien
In: Ekoland, december 2002
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Summary and current affairs: One of the success-products in the organic assortment is milk. Due to a low price difference, many Dutch consumers prefer organic milk and dairy products to regular milk and dairy. Dutch farmers export a lot of organic milk to other European countries, where organic products in general are very popular. In The United Kingdom, the demand for organic milk rose by 50 percent in the first half of 2005. The rising popularity might be explained by recent scientific proof that milk contains more healthy fatty acids (CLA's and Omega-3 fatty acids). Read also the article on breast feeding mothers and organic milk consumption in EOS Magazine on this site (in Dutch).
'Light user moet meer besteden'
In: Ekoland, november 2002
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Summary and current affairs: Dutch health food shops want 'light users' (people who are no frequent organic shoppers) to spend more of their household money on organics. Umbrella organizations think they do not take profit enough of the Dutch national campaign for the promotion of organics. In 2003, consumers spent 400 million euro's on organics in health food stores and supermarkets. The Dutch government wants Dutch households to spend five percent of their total food expenditures on organics in 2007.
Eigenlijk heel logisch
In: Ekoland, oktober 2002
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Summary and current affairs: Policy targets are relative. The Dutch national campaign for the promotion of organic food shows this clearly. In September 2002, the long-term campaign was launched. Costs of the media campaign: 4,5 million euro's. Target group were new organic consumers. The Task Force Marktontwikkeling Biologische Landbouw was responsible for reaching the target of five percent consumers' expenses on organics in 2004. Now, in the end of 2005, we know the 5%-target has been postponed to 2007. New agreements are made in a new Convenant in March 2005. Many NGO's and even the Protestant Church are involved. Average yearly growth of organic expenses is around five percent.
In Rio de Bio is verlepte sla passé
In: Ekoland, juli/aug. 2002
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Summary and current affairs: People pay a high price for organic products, but the quality could be improved, says manager of healthfood store Rio de Bio in Utrecht. In the summer of 2002, Rens van den Bulck changed his store and the assortment radically. All diet products were removed. Van den Bulck criticises the taste of various organic products. "Clients spend a lot of money and accept a low quality 'for the good cause'," he says. He selects real Greek feta-cheese (no Danish) and sometimes buys directly from farmers. His attitude reflects the ideas of the Slow Food Movement. Recently the Slow Food Movement launched the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy.

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Laatste wijziging: 8 april 2013
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